
Archive for February 8th, 2008

The State of Stormstrike

No, I’m not talking about the Shaman ability. Jeez. This is a mage blog, not some kinky totems and chain blog.

I’ve put some effort over the past few days, playing every single battleground over and over again. Spread across three different characters, I also took the time to poll people in /trade to find their thoughts on various battlegrounds. Here are the results.


Very long queue times, always in excess of a full hour, usually, an hour and a half minimum wait time. Sometimes as long as two, even three hours in the early morning server time. Invariably, when these games start, each side begins with about 20-25 people, and then fill up to the full 40 over the next ten or so minutes. Horde wins. Period. Over the 4 days I was running this and polling trade chat, there was one alliance victory. Just one. And it wasn’t even a resounding victory, alliance barely managed to scrape by. And Horde only had 20 people present, whereas the Alliance had the full 40. Everywhere else, Horde won. Horde not only won, Horde dominated. Alliance very rarely even got a single point of bonus honor, whereas Horde capped everything, got the full value of bonus honor, the whole time endlessly slaughtering the alliance as they feebly tried to hold the rampaging Horde off. (more…)

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