
Archive for February 28th, 2009

Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

Some of you ridiculously long readers may remember a crazy guy named Voxmortis. Suffice to say, he’s an extremely good friend of mine. We used to get up to all sorts of crazy crap. Until he quit the game, the bastard.

Anyway, he’s back, and playing a Death Knight of all things. In fact, we’re leveling our DK’s together because that’s what obsessed friends do.

We arrive in Terokkar, ready for some hard questing. We see that the timer for the Bone Waste towers is a mere 5 minutes.

“Hey!” says we, “If we can grab those, that gives us a damage AND experience boost!”

So off we rode into the Bone Wastes, fully prepared to flag and stand around with no fighting involved at all.

We had taken the towers in Zangarmarsh the day before, and met no resistance. We didn’t expect this to be any different.

Imagine our surprise and disappointment when we arrived at the nearest tower to Stonebreaker Hold and discovered a flagged level 80 Paladin. (more…)

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