
Posts Tagged ‘Nostalgia’

Things to Make You Feel Old

With LK now (officially!) looming on the horizon, I’d like to take the time and take a look back… before patch 2.0, before Burning Crusade was even heard of…

I’m talking old school WoW. When frost wasn’t for PvP, it was for raiding Molten Core. When Alterac Valleys could last hours… even days. When AV lasting ten hours was par.

Soon, you’ll see people saying things like “man, remember back when Pyroblast had a 6 second cast time?” or “remember when rogues had to be behind a target to use Mutilate?”

And trust me, this will happen. You’ll be flying somewhere, and you’ll see someone in general describing how Totems used to only affect the one party, or mages used to have to spec for Ice Block… and everyone else will be like “Woah!” and “What… you serious? That can’t be right”.

And you’ll be sitting there, shaking your head, if only they knew…

Trolls! Remember when you could only activate Berserking after being critically struck? And how it lasted 30 seconds? Or when it increased damage you took?

Remember when Battlemasters didn’t exist? Or Meeting Stones? Or when there wasn’t a cap on the number of players you could bring into any given Dungeon? (more…)

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